Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Pre Soup Diet Blog

I apologize for neglecting you blog. I have been busy working and stuff.
Today and Yesterday I have been sick! Cold and Sore throat. Im stressing cause i have missed 2 days of work...which isn't good.
I am going to Jamaica on the 25th, thank god cause i need a vacation! Me and  my bestie are going for a week! Relaxation in the sun! WOOO!
What else....hmm.. I saw Eat, Pray, Love and it made me want a change in my life.... that news is coming later though.

Apparently you can lose up to 17 pounds in one week if you follow it exactly! Which is exactly what I plan on doing! I need to lose a few for sure! If i see results i will do it every week, taking 2 days off at a time, for the rest of the year... why not right?

*sigh* im so stuffy and congested...i just wanted to document my soup diet!
Hopefully i feel better tomorrow!


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