Thursday, July 22, 2010

Just a Couple things...

1. Are you a meticulous planner?
YES! I need to plan every detail of every little thing that I do. I can be spontaneous though. But when it comes to trips or special occasions I am a planner
2. Do you wear make up and if so how much and how often?
I wear makeup EVERY day. Sometimes not to work. But I put makeup on everyday! What I wear... MAC Face and Body Foundation, Cover Girl Mineral Bronzer, Dior Show Liquid Liner, DiorShow Mascara...thats just a basic everyday makeup!
3. What, if anything, do you wear to bed?
A nighty...or just my shorts and tank top. 
4. Look over your right shoulder, what do you see?
My DVD stand
5. If you had to take a random item to an interview to describe you, what would it be?
My makeup bag! (with all my makeup in it of course!)
6. What film would you like to have a starring role in?
Anything with Robert Pattinson where we have a love story together!
7. Jimmy Stewart or Carey Grant?
Carey Grant in his hayday! but really Clark Gable if i had to pick someone from that era
8.  Do you swear in front of your children?
I don't have children. But I would definitely TRY not to swear around them, last thing you want is your child repeating your bad words.
9. Do you knit or sew or do any other “womanly” craft?
I don't knit or sew. I do cook and do laundry however...
10. Twitter or Facebook?


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