Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Current Me... Part One of The Story of Us

I should bid myself a Welcome back... It's been a few years since I have written a blog post. A lot has changed, as they do over the course of about 2 years. As things have changed so much I started writing a novel, about my life, as of recently and a bit touching on the past, it's still a work in progress, and to be honest I haven't touched it in a few months. Hopefully this will re-inspire me to write more, as the story, in real life, has progressed more.

I have titled the work in progress as "The Story of Us", as it seems fitting, as I was writing it for the father of my unborn daughter. Maybe one she will get to read it too, and know that there's such thing in true love, whether or not it all works out in the end...? well, i'm still waiting to find out for myself.

I guess I will post this in parts, this is


In January 2012 I was going through a lot of changes in my life. I had been in a long distance relationship with Brian for two years, and we still weren't living in the same country. I was getting frustrated, and my eye began to wander. That's when I met Ben. I was at the pub with a girl friend of mine and I had gone out for a smoke by myself. I was on the patio when I started to hear someone call my name, and as you do when you are in a crowded place, you look around, and saw this girl across the patio looking at me, she walked over and introduced herself, her name was Amanda, and told me that we had been friends on facebook when I accidentally added her thinking she was someone else, but ended up keeping her on facebook anyways. After chatting for a few minutes she directs a friend of hers over, her friend being Ben. The first thing I noticed about him was his english accent. I had been to the UK a couple of times so I was familiar with the areas, so I asked him where he was from and just carried on casual small talk. My girlfriend Christina and I ended up having a drink with them and we've been friends ever since .

(Brian and I during happier times)

(Ben and I back in March)

I started spending a lot of time with Ben, we got pretty close as we have a lot of the same interests, we'd hang out, drink, and listen to music. All while I was still in a relationship with Brian. Brian came to visit near the end of January and things just didn't feel the same between us anymore. I knew in my heart I was beginning to have feelings for Ben. So as Ben and I got closer over the next couple months, things with Brian and I were getting worse. We were fighting all the time as I was going out all the time and wasn't really making time for him anymore, and when we did speak all he ever went on about was his financial situation, there just wasn't that spark anymore. In mid March Brian and I decided we were going to take a break, I knew the inevitable was that we weren’t going to be together anymore. This is when I put my heart on the line and told Ben how I was feeling. I had been sleeping over there quite a bit, and more recently in the same bed. Nothing ever happened between us, even though I had wished it would. I could almost feel that Ben was falling for me too, and so could his friend Amanda. Once I told Ben how I felt he wanted to take his time to think about things, but he never got the chance to tell me what he felt. We always talked about talking about it, but never did, and things weren't different between us as friends, which I was grateful for, because he had become one of my best friends.

As I grew impatient for Ben to tell me his feelings, I decided to use POF, an online dating site, I wasn't looking for anything serious just people to talk to. That's when DJ came into my life... again. I was laying in bed one Tuesday night, bored, on the computer, and I had my POF open. I noticed I had a new message so I clicked on the link and couldn't believe my eyes. I hadn't seen DJ in about 10 years, so I don't know how I recognized him right away, but I did, instantaneously, my heart was racing.

(The picture I seen of DJ on his POF profile and just KNEW it was did I know? I wish I could show you him 10 years ago, so different, but I just KNEW)

Stay tuned to


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