Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Story of Us, Part 4

Part Four: Never gonna leave this bed...

We went back to my house and I told him to wait in the living room while I did a little tidy up of my bedroom. When I was done I went back downstairs and told him he could come up. I put a movie on, but to be honest I don't remember what movie it was. Now, I had mentally told myself earlier on that I was not going to sleep with him on the first night, but after kissing in my bed for a bit things got intense, and we ended up making love that night, twice. That was the first time I had really made love, of course I had had sex in the past, but this was so different. Here he was on top of me looking at me, talking to me, saying everything I wanted to hear and things I never expected to hear, and getting me off at the same time. He was definitely the best lover I had ever had. The baby talk started that very night, and he never stopped talking about us getting pregnant until I actually got pregnant. That night I had told him “how amazing would it be if we got pregnant just like THAT after me being in 2 serious relationships where I was never able to get pregnant, and in the last relationship,with Brian, we gave it a pretty valiant effort.” and he kissed me and said “you mean pregnant with my baby” and kissed me again, and I said “yeah”, before I could finish my response his lips were on mine. And that was when we made love for the second time. DJ fell asleep shortly after and was lightly snoring, I felt at peace and more happy than I had felt in a long time. I slept like a baby that night.

The next morning I woke up next to DJ, and had a huge grin on my face. I was happier than I could ever remember myself being. We got up and went to Bowmanville to see his Mom, of course I didn't realize that until we parked outside of her house and he said “let me see if my Moms up”. I was a bit nervous, DJ told her all about how we met and our history and she joked that I must be a “witch”. DJ had no clean clothes at his Moms so we went over to Winners and he got some clothes, then we went back to his Moms, he showered and got dressed and we went to get lunch at a little pub in Bowmanville.

(The Next Morning...)

He introduced me to deep fried pickles, and we talked about everything. We spent the rest of the afternoon at my house drinking with my Mom and her boyfriend, allowing them to get to know DJ a bit better. Everything was perfect. I knew I was falling pretty hard for DJ, and I was making sure not to let it show too much. We talked a lot about fate and destiny and that he had never believed in God or a higher power until the day I came into his life. Saturday DJ dragged himself to work, it would be the first time we would be apart since we met again 4 days before. I planned a nice steak dinner for him coming home from work and was pretty excited. DJ came home and brought a friend, Justin, and informed me that he was going up to the cottage for the night, but was going to stay for dinner since I went out of my way and had already planned it. We ate dinner together, and DJ could tell I was a bit annoyed and kept asking if I was ok. I didn't let it get to me, he needed boy time, I would give it to him. They left around 6:30 and I told Justin that DJ better come back in one piece, I told them both to have a good time and kissed DJ goodbye. At about 12:30am, I was in bed, just about to fall asleep when the phone rang, it was DJ. He said he was on his way home, that he had to bring Justin home still, but he was going to pick me up first, So I could go for the drive with him. I get out of bed and get dressed, and wait for him in the living room downstairs. He walks through the front door and I can feel my whole body is excited. My heart is racing. I missed him a lot. He kisses me and tells me he missed me too much and just wanted to be laying in bed next to me, I swoon, obviously. We drove to Cobourg, which is about an hour long drive, to drop Justin off and drove right back home. We listened to music and talked a bit. I could tell he was tired and so was I, I couldn't wait to get home and lay in bed next to him. Once we got home, DJ had a quick shower and came right to bed. We made love and fell asleep next to each other. Sunday morning we went to the flea market and then to his sisters place and had dinner with his sister, his mom and his niece and nephew. DJ and I decided that we were going to make mix CDs for each other, so we went back to my house to get my laptop then went back to his moms in Bowmanville where we were going to spend the night. By the time we got back to Bowmanville, and all settled in at his Moms, we were both pretty tired and ended up just watching a movie and heading to bed. But of course, we made love again that night. Monday morning we got up early because DJ had to go to work, he was grumpy, because he didn't want to go. We had been kind of living in our own world for a few days there, and DJ hadn't been to work since Wednesday. I think we both had a little bit of separation anxiety that day. DJ came home from work and we got a bottle of wine and sat and talked as we drank our red wine. The next day, DJ had to go pick up some things from his exes place, as she was threatening to sell it all. He took his sister and his brother there with him and collected a lot of his things. His ex was not very nice to him and it took its toll on him. I was feeling a little insecure that day, and I didn't know what had happened at his exes. His sister text me and asked to let her know when DJ got to my place. DJ arrived and was acting strange, he asked me if we could go for coffee before he came in, I said sure, and we went to Tim Hortons and grabbed a coffee and he just needed a vent, I half expected him to end things with me, because of his ex and his son. He told me had something he really needed to tell me but he was going to wait til later to tell me. Later that evening, after we had dinner together and just hung out talking, we were in bed making love when he stopped and looked at me and said “I love you so much.” and I leaned up to him and kissed him and said “i love you too” with a big smile on my face. In that moment I knew that he was everything to me, no one had ever made me feel so complete in my life. I guess that was the day he moved in officially.


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